Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 6, 7, and 8: Disneyland

Day 6 7 and 8 can be summed up simply. Early mornings. Late nights. Disneyland. Disneyland was very cool. Many memories came back to me from when i was 7, ten years ago, when i went to America in 2000. Savannah enjoyed it as much as i did. One of the reasons was that she got to join the High School Musical dance crew on stage in a show. Not my my cup of tea, but she loved it. Mum and dad, they just liked the break of stopping and having a 'little' break from car driving.

Favourite Ride: Tie between Indiana Jones; Temple of the Forbidden Eye and The Twilight Zone's Tower of Terror.

Diane's View

Disneyland Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Donald Duck and many more.
Big rides came first the only quiet day we had, finished big rides by lunch.
But there was much more to do. Great watching Rocky and Savannah skipping around the park.
Late night dinner at I Hop.
Next morning early start, small rides first still not a bad run around the park.
Savannah was a star with High School Musical twice, then it was more big rides some were closed first day.
World of colour water show was great even if it was hard to see. Rocky being the dad he is had Savannah on shoulders walking back and forth.
Another late night dinner at Millies.
Another early start all shows, 3D Muppet show, Soarin over California, Haunted Mansion and Fantasmic which is.
late night again, dinner at Denny's.

Savannah's Daily Highlights

High School Musical, Splash Mt and Donald Duck.


  1. WOW! High School Musical for Savannah.
    AND - WOW! Three thrill rides for you.
    Glad you are all having a great time. Rest will come when you get home."Keep on Keeping on"
    Love to All. Aunt Lyn

  2. Hi Di Charli is impressed by Minnie Mouse sounds like u r having lots of fun - jo

  3. Hey Savannah sounds like you're having fun. Well all we're doing is our 6 times tables with the ticks. I already have 2 ticks. Anyway we're doing swimming tomorrow (7/10/10) but I'm not going and do you know that we are going to have a new teacher instead of Miss Row?

    Well have fun.
    From Aiyahna
    P.S. Next time I'm coming with you!
