Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 5: L.A.

After waking up early (again) the family and i made our way down to the beach of Monterey to spot alot of seagulls, some seals swimming around and even a few dolphins jumping out of the water only 10 maybe 15 metres away from the shore. After that we finaly got on our way on a long, long car trip on HWY 1 to L.A. There were many stops along the way to spot animals etc. I got a little sick of it, but mum and dad enjoyed it. It made sence to pull over and see things though... as i may never see it all again anytime soon. Savannah though, wouldn't know about what was going on; she was asleep. However, one thing i did enjoy doing was pulling over at white rock beach. There we saw a number of sea lions, and ONE elephant seal. I didnt spot it at first, it looked like a huge rock. That was until dad pointed out that it was snoring. It was atleast 3 metres long, and would have to way atleast half a ton. For the rest of the day, it was driving. We finally came to LA that afternoon. Mum and Savannah were quick to spot the famous "Hollywood" sign on the hills.

Diane's View

Poridge for breaky and a lovely walk on the beach to see the many sea animals and birds, then a drive down the Famous HWY 1 o Big Sur National Park, to stretch our legs up the mountain.( Great View)
We saw the camping ground where Rocky and Mick had lunch on their tour 2009.
We drove to Piedras Blancas ( Rocks White ) where Savannah feed squirrels and we saw the biggest Elephant Seal we will probably ever see.
We then drove on to Cayucos for lunch at Morro Strand Beach, then on the road again 3 of us had a nap so Rocky multitasked drove, read map and took photos ( US SLEEPING ).
Ventura was our next stop at Vons for groceries including earplugs and nose strips for snoring people.

Savannah's Daily Highlight

Feeding the Squirrels.

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