Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 12: Universal Studios

Went to Universal studios today. Its not as big as Disneyland, but probably just as cool. I had a bucket of endless popcorn, so i didn't go hungry, and the whole place was decorated with dummies n' corpes for halloween. It was creepy.

Favourite Ride: Revenge of the Mummy and Terminator 2: 3D

Diane's View

Car hire for the day then on to Universal, where we did Backlot tour first ( MUST DO ) then Animal Show, Mummy Ride, Water World, Jurassic Ride all with endless popcorn.
Savannah and I got 2 great shirts, Darcy and Savannah got 2 great sketchers.
Darcy missed Bill and Ted show not enough time for everything, Savannah found a friend DONKEY which was great he loved her even through all the other crowd he spotted her and called her name.
We met up with Lisa our travel agent there. 
Drove home for 39 cent Del Taco's, another big day.

Savannah's Daily Highlight

My best friend !DONKEY!

Day 11: Hollywood

Today, dad's mate ray took the family and i on a tour of hollywood. We walked along the 'stars' and hung out at the kodak theatre. I got a photo with the stars of my idols. For lunch we ate at a Hooters bar. There i met heather and ate a nacho burger. After being in downtown hollywood, ray took us the sunset strip. Once there we chillaxedc at the Rainbow Bar and Grill. Many famous bands and faces have hung out there including, Guns N' Roses and The Motley Crue. The
inside is full of photos and other cool stuff. I thought it was very awesome.


Diane's View

Ray was our personal tour guide for the day after picking us up at Hilton HB dropped our luggage at Anahiem Plaza.
Hollywood here we come doing the usual tourist stuff Stars walk, Chinese Thearte then Hooters for lunch.
Visited Hoolywood Lookout great view of Hoolywood sign and Hollywood Bowl then went on to Rainbow Club for a drink where we seen lots of famous pics.
Across the road was Hustler wheer Miss Ryder stole from and Viper Room down the road where a Mr Rivers died.
Another big day then droped back to our Hotel. 
Savannah's Daily Highlight
Photo with Harry Potter Hand and Footprints.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 10: wal-mart

This morning we weant back down town. to another bar. Caught up with all our friends again, this time at Killarneys Irish Pub. Dad had a few bloody marys too much. I had coke, and just watched the dozen NFL games on the TV's. After finishing at the bar, we weant back to the shops. This time it was walmart in our sights. I spent alot of money on shirts and football geer. Ill probably be back there again sometime.

Diane's View

Up early and down to Pharmacy for Antihistamine and Cortisone cream.
All went to down town HB to Killarneys Irsh Pub, where Savannah and I walked around shops, ( New Purse) for Savannah Rocky had a Bloody Mary with Eddie ( Mayor of HB ) Darcy watched more NFL.
We had a Walmart visit so cheap then dinner with Ray and Chucky's back to Hilton for another walk down to Dariy Queen for Desert.

Savannah's Daily Highlight

New Purse.

Day 9: HB


On day 9, we put disneyland on hold after three days, and visited our friends in Huntington Beach. The weather wasnt crash hot, so there was no swimming going on. Mum and I weant shopping before we came back and met up with dad, his mate ray, chucky and the HB Mayor, eddie @ the huricanes bar and grill. Mum and savannah quickly ran off as dad and i speant the entire arvo at the bar. After three hours or so, it was aparent that we needed to go back to the hotel. But not without pizza..

Diane's View

Off to Huntington Beach which was what they call very soupy, but that didn't stop shopping at Westminister mall.
Then to down town HB to visit with friends at Hurricanes Bar and Grill, where Savannah and I left the boys and headed to the Hilton which was a little walk down the road where we took in sights of the Peir and locals.
Rocky had a soak session and Darcy watch college football they arrived back many hours later at which time Savannah and I had a swim, about 10.30pm that night I woke with a allergic reaction to the chlorine.( NOT GOOD )

Savannah's Daily Highlight

Shopping at Westminister Mall..

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 6, 7, and 8: Disneyland

Day 6 7 and 8 can be summed up simply. Early mornings. Late nights. Disneyland. Disneyland was very cool. Many memories came back to me from when i was 7, ten years ago, when i went to America in 2000. Savannah enjoyed it as much as i did. One of the reasons was that she got to join the High School Musical dance crew on stage in a show. Not my my cup of tea, but she loved it. Mum and dad, they just liked the break of stopping and having a 'little' break from car driving.

Favourite Ride: Tie between Indiana Jones; Temple of the Forbidden Eye and The Twilight Zone's Tower of Terror.

Diane's View

Disneyland Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Donald Duck and many more.
Big rides came first the only quiet day we had, finished big rides by lunch.
But there was much more to do. Great watching Rocky and Savannah skipping around the park.
Late night dinner at I Hop.
Next morning early start, small rides first still not a bad run around the park.
Savannah was a star with High School Musical twice, then it was more big rides some were closed first day.
World of colour water show was great even if it was hard to see. Rocky being the dad he is had Savannah on shoulders walking back and forth.
Another late night dinner at Millies.
Another early start all shows, 3D Muppet show, Soarin over California, Haunted Mansion and Fantasmic which is.
late night again, dinner at Denny's.

Savannah's Daily Highlights

High School Musical, Splash Mt and Donald Duck.

Day 5: L.A.

After waking up early (again) the family and i made our way down to the beach of Monterey to spot alot of seagulls, some seals swimming around and even a few dolphins jumping out of the water only 10 maybe 15 metres away from the shore. After that we finaly got on our way on a long, long car trip on HWY 1 to L.A. There were many stops along the way to spot animals etc. I got a little sick of it, but mum and dad enjoyed it. It made sence to pull over and see things though... as i may never see it all again anytime soon. Savannah though, wouldn't know about what was going on; she was asleep. However, one thing i did enjoy doing was pulling over at white rock beach. There we saw a number of sea lions, and ONE elephant seal. I didnt spot it at first, it looked like a huge rock. That was until dad pointed out that it was snoring. It was atleast 3 metres long, and would have to way atleast half a ton. For the rest of the day, it was driving. We finally came to LA that afternoon. Mum and Savannah were quick to spot the famous "Hollywood" sign on the hills.

Diane's View

Poridge for breaky and a lovely walk on the beach to see the many sea animals and birds, then a drive down the Famous HWY 1 o Big Sur National Park, to stretch our legs up the mountain.( Great View)
We saw the camping ground where Rocky and Mick had lunch on their tour 2009.
We drove to Piedras Blancas ( Rocks White ) where Savannah feed squirrels and we saw the biggest Elephant Seal we will probably ever see.
We then drove on to Cayucos for lunch at Morro Strand Beach, then on the road again 3 of us had a nap so Rocky multitasked drove, read map and took photos ( US SLEEPING ).
Ventura was our next stop at Vons for groceries including earplugs and nose strips for snoring people.

Savannah's Daily Highlight

Feeding the Squirrels.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Another early wake up. This time to both get ready for the next car ride, and to go and see the Sequoia Trees. If you don't know what they are, google it, or in a blunt description, "they're real big." How big? Some of them are as tall as the stature of liberty. Yes, that big. We went on a hiking trip around the area, saw about 100 squirrels, and several bucks and doe. Apart from the trees, the rest of the area is very very awesome. Despite there being no bears around, the mountains, and cliffs in the region are massive. Some of them have to be at least 5000 feet tall. After leaving the park, we headed back onto the road. This time to Monteray Bay. We saw some rednecks on the way, no bears though. Upon arrival, we quickly  found a hotel, and settled down with Mc'donalds for dinner.

Diane's View

We went to Yosemite Village where Darcy posted cards.
The view's are fantastic we even saw a Doe with a Fawn in a meadow.
We drove to Mariposa Grove to see the Sequioa Trees (WOW) they are big.
While walking the woods we saw some Bucks, Squirrels, Chipmonks and a Woodpecker pecking how cool.
We drove on to Oakhurst for our lunch stopped at Luis Resivoir for a pit stop.
We then drove on to Monterey Bay and stayed at Monterey Bay Lodge, had dinner at a very flash McDonalds.

Savannah's Daily Highlight

Being very close to a big Buck (Male Deer).

Day 3: Yosemite

Today, we headed to Yosemite National park. We left San Fran at around ten, and hit the road in our rental car (it's not a chevy... it's a kia). We spotted alot of animals on the way. Many of them were dead. Some were alive. It was funny watching mum and dad argue along the way though. Four letter words were used quite frequently inbetween arguments. Not to worry, it's all on camera. When we got to our cabin, and unpacked, we spent the arvo looking around the national park. Didn't see any bears. I thought i did once however, but it was just dad's beard in the mirror. When we came across an area in the river where we could swim, we hoped out and jumped in. Despite the water being too cold for my liking, I enjoyed it anyway. The sceneary in the area is very impressive, trees, rocks and things. Alot like you'd expect the place to be, only better.

Diane's View

Yosemite National Park what a place, (scenery, wildlife) fantastic.
The wildlife we saw, Stellar Jay's ( birds), Deer, Creek Guppies a few Squirrels.
We swam in a very cold Merced River that was the back drop for Yosemite Lodge where we stayed. We were shivering but it was fun, local man was using one end for Fly Fishing as we return to Rocky, who was eating corn chips and drinking beer on bank.
We saw Cathedral Rocks, Bridemaids Falls and talked with a local from Oklahoma who had seen 2 Grizzly Bears the day before and 1 that day not far up the road, (a bit scary).

Savannah's Daily Highlight 

Merced River swim.

Day 2: Breakfast in the middle of the day

After day one, the whole family was in need of a long nights sleep. We got one... and it was too long. We had slept for 13 hours and woke up at 11. Well, after scrambling everything together, we managed to be out of the room at around 12 and make our way back into the city. This time we decided to catch a cable car to fisherman's warf. As dad and i were the biggest on board, we were both apointed "door men." I decided today to buy some gifts for myself and friends while i could, i also stopped into Burger King to try myself a Dr Pepper. A LARGE Dr Pepper. In Oz, a large drink is about 600ml give or take. In the US, a large was about the size of a bucket. I drank my bucket of Dr Pepper with pride. After the warf, the family and i  came back through china town. We hunted down a chinese resturaunt (oh how ironic?) and ate a meal with some of the locals. Dad had more beer. After that, we hiked back to the hotel. Another long sleep will be needed before tommorows car trip.

                                                                      Diane's View

First stop Macy's, new shoes. Wouldn't believe it there was a shoe sale on lots of busy women many waiting men. Found Reebok's for under $40 Aus.
Took Cable Car down to Fishermans Warf ( A MUST DO ). Many shops lots of tourists.
Walked back through Chinatown and had lunch at Uncles Restaurant, got my salted plums on the way.
A very safe city to walk around lots to look at including those who walk with animals such as ( chooks under arm) and ( lizards on leash).

Savannah's Daily Highlight

Skechers light up shoe's.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 1 (Part 2): San Fran

We finally got to San Fran. We were driven from the airport to the hotel. On the way i got to see all the outer suburbs of the City. My best description of the city. "It's like someone has made a whole of hills, and threw buildings on like a kid would throw lego onto sand." After the hotel, we first went down to the fisherman's wharf and went looking around in all the different shops. Upon walking into an NFL shop, i ran into Jeff Barnes. Jeff  played for the Oakland Raiders from 1977 to 1987, and played in both the 1980 and 1993 Superbowl's. Not only did i get a photo with him. I also got to wear one of his Superbowl rings. We finished the arvo with a night tour of Alcatraz. I got to see the whole place, and got a little enjoyment seeing my sister in a jail cell. It was a great attraction, and it was not overrated at all. I was so excited after the first day, it wouldn't matter if i came back home right now. I cant believe i have another month over here.

Diane's View

Arrived at San Fran tired and full checked in at Frank Hotel CBD area.Walked to Pier 1 then on to Pier 4 something returning to Pier 33 for Alcatraz tour. Lots of history and slowly crumbling away due to weather and Tourists. Walked back to Hotel breaking my sandals in front of Macy's.
Slept 11pm till 11am

Savannah Daily Highlight

Alcrtraz night tour.

Day 1: A Long Flight...

After starting in Brisbane, there was a small domestic flight to Sydney. There we caught a plane at 12:50, and were crambed in with over 200 other pasengers. Onboard, dad (The Rock) had atleast a dozen beers. A slow night for him. I got to watch alot of free movies, listen to music and even play games on the inbuilt screens in the back of the chair in front of me. Savannah, actually was quiet, and watched movies herself. Mum the same. It was great. However, not so great was the length of the flight. OVER 12 hours long!! :O

Dianes View

Tired and full of food on landing in San Fransico from Sydney.
Checked in to Frank Hotel SF UBD, then straight into a 2.6 mile walk down to Fishremans Warf.
Pier 1 to 40 something then back to Pier 33 for Alcatraz night tour. Lots of history at Alcatraz great tour lots of up keep in buildings, which would be from us tourists but mostly weather.
Walked back to Fank Hotel stopping in at Taco Bell
 for Dinner at 10pm, on walking back I broke my favorite sandals outside Macy's. Barefoot for about 1 block.
    Slept from 11pm till 11am (TIRED).

Savannah's Daily Highlight

Watching new movies on plane.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tests are over... Friday morning is around the corner...

Finished the last of my tests. Bags are packed. (even though it's only wednesday) Everything seems to be in order... although only during the last few days, there are several things which have come to my attention.

  • I will not be able to walk into a bakery and buy a lemmington
  • I'll have to be careful to talk fluently and not mumble
  • My sister is going to be a pain
And, most importantly...

  • I AM GOING TO MISS THE NRL FINALS! (Go the Roosters!)
All these things are petty, but I'm sure they wont bother me once I'm there. I hope.


Anyway.. that's it for this one. Next Post from Sydney International...